It just doesn't feel real to me. These can not be my teeth. This can not be my bite and skeletal profile now. It's just so surreal. I mean, it should be surreal. Looking at my smile/face now and seeing that I don't look at all like me from 3 years ago.... that is a mind screw. It's a lot to wrap your brain around and process. I wasn't even expecting to feel shock. Excited/anxious? For sure. And I was definitely anxious. But thankfully I think it was for nothing. Those front teeth I was so worried about? They feel MUCH better than I thought they were going to feel. So good that now I am pretty sure pulling them right away is NOT what I should do, and instead I am going to advocate a wait and see on them for now. I don't think they're much worse than what I had when I got my braces off in between my first and second round of treatment. Well...except for tooth 7. That is my derpy tooth, and that one is for sure a goner. The other 3 though, I was pleasantly surprised.... and relieved!!! So, phew! A big weight off of my shoulders, but now we'll see what my surgeon says when I see him on Weds for my 6 month follow up and consult with 3d xray for the implants.
And just like that, my active ortho/jaw journey is ending. That is surreal too after having it dominate my life the last 3.5 years. I had to email my ortho after I got home today and let him know I wasn't jumping up and down excited because I actually left his office in this weird shock I am in still. It's so hard to describe. I also linked him to this blog if he hadn't seen it already. I think he was trying to get me more excited before leaving and was looking for preop pictures to show me to put it in perspective and he had trouble pulling them up at the chairside computer. Well, I've got a page for you for that! Ha! And trust me, I always have this in perspective. Constantly aware of how far I've come (probably more aware than him since he didn't see what I originally started with), and ALWAYS thankful for where they've taken me through this revision process. Hopefully he didn't mistake my quiet shock for ungrateful dismay, so I emailed him and said thanks again.
See my surgeon on weds for my 6 month check up and next appointment to pow wow over the implant situation. I am not getting my hopes up, but I am secretly hoping the consensus on these anterior teeth changes for the better!
I've made a final treatment comparison/summary page. I'll be sure to update it when I get final records and my cbct this week:
Before/After treatments comparison and final thoughts