Seems like the issues I'm having post op are worse than what I even thought. I thought most of my issues were confined to my top jaw and that it was off in every direction possible. I was right about the every direction possible, but what blew my mind is how far off my bottom jaw is off. It's also canted, but yawed and twisted so bad that the buldge I have on my left side -- you know, that one my surgeon said was just swelling/infection and a hematoma from me ripping a stitch the first week post op? Yeah, not so much. My jaw is yawed so significantly that the bone is basically sticking out more on that side and causing that lump/bulge. This is not a hematoma that will go away. This is a permanent disfiguring of my face now. This was probably the most disturbing news that I got in the appointment. I guess I was just surprised because even though I've wondered in the past if that bulge on that side was really the jaw or not, I just talked myself into believing it was a hematoma and extra swelling that would eventually go away.
So, what do I do now? Dr. Gunson drafted up a surgical plan. This system he uses gives all the numbers. I don't quite know what I'm looking at, but this is what he comes up with: