I thought feeling a smaller gap would be more noticeable, but it's not. What I can feel is the difference in my bite, and wowzers, does that feel odd. Some days I can really feel it shifting and teeth are coming down on other teeth where they shouldn't. The worst is when they feel tip to tip, but then quickly they settle in it seems. I can definitely see and feel my overbite and overjet getting bigger, which is exactly what they are going for by doing the extraction (can definitely see it in the one picture up there). Sucks. I feel like I have these giant buck teeth again, but I know it's all part of the plan. I wasn't biting in to much to begin with because my loose upper front teeth are sensitive and can't bite in to much, but it's getting to a point where even if that wasn't what was holding me back, I wouldn't be able to bite in to much now anyway with the overbite. I've had some issues with food falling out while I am chewing too. Fun times, I tell ya!
Next adjustment is in 2.5 weeks. I am going in about every 4 weeks now. No more wires for me. They said this is the heavier surgical wire I am already in, so that will stay with me through surgery. They're not really moving my teeth any more, hence the wire staying. It's just the gap closure, so every adjustment will just be to shorten my power chain and keep the forces closing that space. It will close....slowly, but surely.