So, I get to Philly for the next leg of my trip and start to eat normally again. Just my luck, I realize I chipped a little bit off a front tooth. Not bad, but enough for me to notice and it left a jagged edge that I kept playing with and it rubbed my lip the wrong way too (because my overbite is so bad that my front teeth are resting on my front bottom lip... yep, super attractive). So, had the family dentist smooth that down for me. After that, it was smooth sailing for the most part.
On a different note, I got in touch with my team today and got a surgery timeline update. I had my FAA medical the other day and then talked to FAA HR today. I explained my surgery situation and the HR rep said that they will probably work with me being on the surgery timeline. Phew. I got the ladies name so I can reference here if I get trouble down the line, but at this point I am pushing forward with a plan to do the surgery first and FAA training at the academy later. I dropped a line to the team and told them the good news and asked what they would rather me do, surgery first or after the training. I explained my concerns prolonging my time in braces (causing more root resorption and possibly more tooth loss) and said if I had a choice, I would rather do the surgery first and then go to training. But, I am always leaving these decisions to them since they know best. The ortho got back to me quickly today and said that he's spoken with my surgeon and feel it is definitely the best plan to do the surgery first. At this point with the planned adjustments, they're hoping to be surgery ready just after the new year and worst case scenario, February. Feels good to have this narrowed down finally. Not good enough to buy airplane tickets for my mom yet, but at least I have a "hopefully Jan worst case scenario Feb" time frame to work from.
So, on another different note-- I just realized recently that I've been talking about how bad my bite is right now, but I haven't updated with any pictures in a while. So, here come the not so flattering photos. My overbite is horrendous. My bite is completely open up front to the point where if I look down even the slightest when I eat, a bunch of food falls out of my mouth. Another thing I noticed in these pictures (esp the one showing the TPA), I can totally see that my upper jaw is basically offset to my right. A few surgeons said it was so, but now that my bite has been set up like this, I can really see it. I can see it when my mouth is closed too. My teeth don't sit together right on the one side. I really can't wait to get through this all and have everything back in it's proper place.