I saw my ortho on Monday. He consulted with my surgeon earlier that morning and it sounds like the whole discrepancy on my right side is actually like that on purpose. See, this is the part where I was raising an eye brow about the two of them talking enough. This is something simple my surgeon should have known BEFORE I went to see him last week. But, I'm set up that way on purpose to allow for a little extra overjet and some more work with some inter-proximal reduction on some top teeth as well as my implants/vaneers and other restorative work on my upper teeth and it should come together class I after that. So, surgery on!! But....when? I was super hoping to finally have that all tied up in a nice bow by the end of today, but my surgeon didn't send me an email with available surgery dates that they were hoping to get from the hospital today. So, I am guessing they didn't get them. Waa waa wwwaaaaaa.
So, ortho checks a few things and sends me on my way to the surgeon (which was not planned, but they wanted to see me and get things rolling). He confirms they're all on the same page and he takes his own molds and does some photos. Molds. I am not a fan of doing molds, but this new ortho is a LOT better than my old ortho when it comes to molds, so they haven't been something I dread anymore. The ones with the surgeon? Yuck. Nasty bitter putty, and they way over fill the trays. I was having flash backs to my first ortho molds in April 2013 where the putty went down my throat and choked me. No bueno. But, I toughed through it. So...think of my disappointment today when I get a call saying the molds didn't turn out and they needed me to come back and redo them. And not only redo them, but redo TWO sets of them. Ugh. So, toughed through that again. Hopefully second time is a charm.
I've got my 3d scans and CBCT scheduled for tomorrow. Surgeon also took some measurements and he's going to start doing some 3d modeling to run up a firm surgery plan. I asked if I could be involved in this, booking a longer appointment to sit down and go through it all with him step by step, and he said that is totally fine. Phew. Awesome. They're also starting the pre-authorization with my insurance. So, a little anxiety there to see what comes back and how much they'll cover. They don't seem too worried about it. I guess I am a pretty obvious surgery case that probably won't see much fight from the insurance over, but who knows. I know sometimes they give you a lot of trouble just because.
So that is that. Hopefully I get that email with available surgery dates to choose from soon. I see my ortho for new xrays and updated records with him on Feb 8th. Surgeon will have my scans to start his planning with, so hopefully I'll get an update with them soon and be able to sit down and go through everything. Things are moving along....finally!