As for the surgical plans, the prosthodontist talked about that another few minutes with me. He said he thinks he is going to pitch an idea of just removing one tooth from my bottom fronts. I was perplexed by this as I have never heard of a case where somebody just got one tooth removed. Usually they keep it symmetric with two teeth. BUT, I am all for removing less teeth if we can. So, what happens if we can get the surgical set up we need with only removing one tooth? My midlines will be off on the bottom forever. Aesthetically this is not the end of the world for me. Aesthetics were always second in this whole thing anyway, but functionally, how would that feel? Would my pointy K9 like teeth on both sides look all funky and impact my bite? He said they would work all of that out to where it would work. At this point I just have to have faith that they know what they're doing. It's so hard though after having faith the first time around and getting burned so bad, so now I am SO skeptical of anything and everything they suggest. I dug around on a few online forums, and found a girl willing to share her experience with me of having one tooth removed. This was her final surgical outcome:
I still don't have an appointment to finalize a plan, or at least hear the options. I think the prosthodontist said they are waiting on my scans and projections to come back from wherever they sent them out to be done. Hopefully we'll get that in to the new year. I am skipping out of town back home to Jersey for the new year until Jan 7th, so hopefully after I get back we can start to firm everything up in terms of the planning.