Today was my first day back at work full time. I would love to say that I spent a little of the last 4 weeks doing something fun, but taking sick leave really was 100% for sick leave on this one (and usually always is with me, which is why I had so much sick leave banked up to take off). I'm still kind of tired since I'm not sleeping 100% back to normal and well yet, and still find myself in a little bit of a brain fog. I'm still not quite getting the calories I need in, so that probably is not helping my situation. I'm sure it'll be a week or two to transition back into the swing of things. Feels good to start getting back to normal life a bit. My swelling is down a lot (just a little puffy in a few spots) and most people's reactions are that they can't believe how well I look for just having had my jaw broken in a bunch of pieces a few weeks ago. Overall I think I've been very lucky with my recovery, and for that I really am truly grateful. Here are a few quick pics to show where I am with swelling and stuff-- and if you notice, I can almost smile now! My stitches are falling out and muscles are starting to get used to their new home and loosen up a bit. Still have a ways to go, but it's nice to smile a little more comfortably now.
It's probably a little early to do this, but my first before/after comparison for the profile. Subtle changes for me, but that is good since I didn't want to do anything dramatic in terms of how I would look post op and instead just wanted to concentrate on fixing the bite issue.